
conjur module

# Copyright (C) 2014 Conjur Inc
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
# use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
# the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import os

from config import Config
from api import API
from group import Group
from user import User
from host import Host
from layer import Layer
from resource import Resource
from role import Role
from variable import Variable
from exceptions import ConjurException

from config import config

def _config(given):
    if given is None:
        env_config_file = os.getenv('CONJURRC')
        if env_config_file is not None:
        return config
    return given

def configure(**kwargs):
    Convenience function to merge multiple settings into the default global


        >>> import conjur
        >>> conjur.configure(appliance_url='',
        ...              account='example',
        ...              cert_path='/path/to/cert.pem')

    return config

def new_from_netrc(netrc_file=None, configuration=None):
    Create a `conjur.API` instance using an identity loaded from netrc.  This method
    uses the identity stored for the host `config.authn_url`.

    `netrc_file` is an alternative path to the netrc formatted file.  Defaults
    to ~/.netrc on unixy systems.

    `configuration` is a `conjur.Config` instance used to determine the host
    in the netrc file, and also passed to the `conjur.new_from_key` method to
    create the API instance using the identity.
    import netrc

    configuration = _config(configuration)
    auth = netrc.netrc(netrc_file).authenticators(configuration.authn_url)
    if auth is None:
        raise ValueError("No authenticators found for authn_url '%s' in %s" % (
            (netrc_file or '~/.netrc')
    login, _, api_key = auth
    return new_from_key(login, api_key, configuration)

def new_from_key(login, api_key, configuration=None):
    Create a `conjur.API` instance that will authenticate on demand as the identity given
    by `login` and `api_key`.

    `login` is the identity of the Conjur user or host to authenticate as.

    `api_key` is the api key *or* password to use when authenticating.

    `configuration` is a `conjur.Config` instance for the api.  If not given the global
        `Config` instance (`conjur.config`) will be used.

    return API(credentials=(login, api_key), config=_config(configuration))

def new_from_token(token, configuration=None):
    Create a `conjur.API` instance that will authenticate using the given signed Conjur

    This is useful if you want to act on behalf of a the identity of an
    HTTP request containing a user's signed token.

    `token` is the json formatted, *not* base64'd, Conjur authentication Token.

    `configuration` is a conjur.Config instance for the api.  If not given, the global Config
    instance (`conjur.config`) will be used.
    return API(token=token, config=_config(configuration))

__all__ = (
    'config', 'Config', 'Group', 'API', 'User', 'Host', 'Layer', 'Resource', 'Role', 'Variable',
    'new_from_key', 'new_from_netrc', 'new_from_token', 'configure', 'ConjurException'

Module variables

var config


def configure(


Convenience function to merge multiple settings into the default global config.


>>> import conjur
>>> conjur.configure(appliance_url='',
...              account='example',
...              cert_path='/path/to/cert.pem')
def configure(**kwargs):
    Convenience function to merge multiple settings into the default global


        >>> import conjur
        >>> conjur.configure(appliance_url='',
        ...              account='example',
        ...              cert_path='/path/to/cert.pem')

    return config

def new_from_key(

login, api_key, configuration=None)

Create a API instance that will authenticate on demand as the identity given by login and api_key.

login is the identity of the Conjur user or host to authenticate as.

api_key is the api key or password to use when authenticating.

configuration is a Config instance for the api. If not given the global Config instance (config) will be used.

def new_from_key(login, api_key, configuration=None):
    Create a `conjur.API` instance that will authenticate on demand as the identity given
    by `login` and `api_key`.

    `login` is the identity of the Conjur user or host to authenticate as.

    `api_key` is the api key *or* password to use when authenticating.

    `configuration` is a `conjur.Config` instance for the api.  If not given the global
        `Config` instance (`conjur.config`) will be used.

    return API(credentials=(login, api_key), config=_config(configuration))

def new_from_netrc(

netrc_file=None, configuration=None)

Create a API instance using an identity loaded from netrc. This method uses the identity stored for the host config.authn_url.

netrc_file is an alternative path to the netrc formatted file. Defaults to ~/.netrc on unixy systems.

configuration is a Config instance used to determine the host in the netrc file, and also passed to the new_from_key method to create the API instance using the identity.

def new_from_netrc(netrc_file=None, configuration=None):
    Create a `conjur.API` instance using an identity loaded from netrc.  This method
    uses the identity stored for the host `config.authn_url`.

    `netrc_file` is an alternative path to the netrc formatted file.  Defaults
    to ~/.netrc on unixy systems.

    `configuration` is a `conjur.Config` instance used to determine the host
    in the netrc file, and also passed to the `conjur.new_from_key` method to
    create the API instance using the identity.
    import netrc

    configuration = _config(configuration)
    auth = netrc.netrc(netrc_file).authenticators(configuration.authn_url)
    if auth is None:
        raise ValueError("No authenticators found for authn_url '%s' in %s" % (
            (netrc_file or '~/.netrc')
    login, _, api_key = auth
    return new_from_key(login, api_key, configuration)

def new_from_token(

token, configuration=None)

Create a API instance that will authenticate using the given signed Conjur token.

This is useful if you want to act on behalf of a the identity of an HTTP request containing a user's signed token.

token is the json formatted, not base64'd, Conjur authentication Token.

configuration is a conjur.Config instance for the api. If not given, the global Config instance (config) will be used.

def new_from_token(token, configuration=None):
    Create a `conjur.API` instance that will authenticate using the given signed Conjur

    This is useful if you want to act on behalf of a the identity of an
    HTTP request containing a user's signed token.

    `token` is the json formatted, *not* base64'd, Conjur authentication Token.

    `configuration` is a conjur.Config instance for the api.  If not given, the global Config
    instance (`conjur.config`) will be used.
    return API(token=token, config=_config(configuration))


class API

class API(object):
    def __init__(self, credentials=None, token=None, config=None):
        Creates an API instance configured with the given credentials or token
        and config.

        Generally you should use `conjur.new_from_key`, `conjur.new_from_netrc`,
        or `conjur.new_from_token` to get an API instance instead of calling
        this constructor directly.

        `credentials` should be a `(login,api_key)` tuple if present.

        `token` should be a string containing a Conjur JSON token to use when authenticating.

        `config` should be a `conjur.Config` instance, and defaults to `conjur.config`.
        if credentials:
            self.login, self.api_key = credentials
            self.token = None
        elif token:
            self.token = token
            self.login = self.api_key = None
            raise TypeError("must be given a credentials or token argument")
        if config:
            self.config = config
            from conjur.config import config as default_config

            self.config = default_config

    def authenticate(self, cached=True):
        Authenticate with Conjur and return a token (str) that can be used
        to establish identity to Conjur services.

        Returns the json formatted signed Conjur authentication Token.

        It is an error to call this method if the API was created with a token
        rather than a login and api key.

        When `cached` is True, a cached token value will be used if it is
        available, otherwise the token will be fetched whether or not a
        cached value is present.
        if cached and self.token:
            return self.token

        if not self.login or not self.api_key:
            raise ConjurException(
                "API created without credentials can't authenticate")

        url = "%s/users/%s/authenticate" % (self.config.authn_url,

        self.token = self._request('post', url, self.api_key).text
        return self.token

    def auth_header(self):
        Get the value of an Authorization header to make Conjur requests,
        performing authentication if necessary.

        Returns a string suitable for use as an `Authorization` header value.
        token = self.authenticate()
        enc = base64.b64encode(token)
        return 'Token token="%s"' % enc

    def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        Make an authenticated request with the given method and url.
        Additional arguments are passed to requests..

        Returns a `requests.Response` object.

        If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.

        `method` is of the standard HTTP verbs (case insensitive).

        `url` is the full url to request.

        If `kwargs['check_errors']` is `True`, non-2xx responses will raise a `conjur.ConjurException`.
        Otherwise, it is the callers responsibility to check the status of the returned `requests.Response`.

        Additional are passed through to the requests. call after adding an `Authorization`
        header and HTTPS verification settings.
        headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
        headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_header()

        return self._request(method, url, **kwargs)

    def _request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'verify' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['verify'] = self.config.verify
        check_errors = kwargs.pop('check_errors', True)

        response = getattr(requests, method.lower())(url, *args, **kwargs)
        if check_errors and response.status_code >= 300:
            raise ConjurException("Request failed: %d" % response.status_code)

        return response

    def get(self, url, **kwargs):
        **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.

        Makes an authenticated GET request to the given :url:.

        Returns a requests.Response object.

        If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.

        `url` is the full url to request.
         Keyword arguments are passed through to `requests.get`.
        return self.request('get', url, **kwargs)

    def post(self, url, **kwargs):
        **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.

        Makes an authenticated `POST` request to the given `url`

        Returns a `requests.Response` object.

        If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.

        `url` is the full url to request.
         Keyword arguments are passed through to ``.
        return self.request('post', url, **kwargs)

    def put(self,url, **kwargs):
        **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.

        Makes an authenticated `PUT` request to the given `url`

        Returns a `requests.Response` object.

        If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.

        `url` is the full url to request.
         Keyword arguments are passed through to `requests.put`.
        return self.request('put', url, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, url, **kwargs):
        **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.

        Makes an authenticated `DELETE` request to the given `url`

        Returns a `requests.Response` object.

        If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.

        `url` is the full url to request.
         Keyword arguments are passed through to `requests.delete`.
        return self.request('delete', url, **kwargs)

    def role(self, kind, identifier):
        Return a `conjur.Role` object with the given kind and id.

        This method neither creates nor checks for the roles's existence.

        `kind` should be the role kind - for example, `"group"`, `"user"`,
        or `"host"`.

        `identifier` should be the *unqualified* Conjur id.  For example, to
        get the role for a user named bub, you would call `api.role('user', 'bub')`.
        return Role(self, kind, identifier)

    def resource(self, kind, identifier):
        Return a `conjur.Resource` object with the given kind and id.

        This method neither creates nor checks for the resource's existence.

        `kind` should be the resource kind - for example, `"variable"`, `"webservice"`,
        or `"configuration"`.

        `identifier` should be the *unqualified* Conjur id.  For example, to
        get the resource for a user variable named db_password, you would call
        `api.resource('variable', 'db_password')`.
        return Resource(self, kind, identifier)

    def group(self, id):
        Return a `conjur.Group` object with the given id.

        This method neither creates nor checks for the groups's existence.

        `id` is the *unqualified* id of the group, and does not include the account or kind.
        return Group(self, id)

    def create_group(self, id):
        Creates a Conjur Group and returns a `conjur.Group` object representing it.

        `id` is the identifier of the group to create.
        """'{0}/groups'.format(self.config.core_url), data={'id': id})
        return Group(self, id)

    def variable(self, id):
        Return a `conjur.Variable` object with the given `id`.

        This method neither creates nor checks for the variable's existence.
        return Variable(self, id)

    def create_variable(self, id=None, mime_type='text/plain', kind='secret',
        Creates a Conjur variable.

        Returns a `conjur.Variable` object.

        `id` is an identifier for the new variable.  If not given, a unique id will
        be generated.

        `mime_type` is a string like `text/plain` indicating the content type stored by the
        variable.  This determines the Content-Type header of responses returning the variable's value.

        `kind`  is a string indicating a user defined role for the variable.
        Ignored by Conjur, but useful for making a variable's

        `value` is a string assigning an initial value for the variable.
        data = {'mime_type': mime_type, 'kind': kind}
        if id is not None:
            data['id'] = id
        if value is not None:
            data['value'] = value

        attrs ="%s/variables" % self.config.core_url, data=data).json()
        id = id or attrs['id']
        return Variable(self, id, attrs)

    def layer(self, layer_id):
        Return a `conjur.Layer` object with the given `layer_id`.

        This method neither creates nor checks for the layer's existence.
        return Layer(self, layer_id)

    def host(self, host_id):
        Return a `conjur.Host` object with the given `host_id`.

        This method neither creates nor checks for the host's existence.
        return Host(self, host_id)

    def create_host(self, host_id):
        Creates a Conjur Host and returns a `conjur.Host` object that represents it.

        `host_id` is the id of the Host to be created.  The `conjur.Host` object returned by
        this method will have an `api_key` attribute, but when the Host is fetched in the future this attribute
        is not available.
        attrs ="{0}/hosts".format(self.config.core_url),
                          data={'id': host_id}).json()
        return Host(self, host_id, attrs)

    def user(self, login):
        Returns an object representing a Conjur user with the given login.

        The user is *not* created by this method, and may in fact not exist.
        return User(self, login)

    def create_user(self, login, password=None):
        Create a Conjur user with the given `login` and password, and returns a `conjur.User` object
        representing it.

        If `password` is not given, the user will only be able to authenticate using the generated api_key
        attribute of the returned User instance.  Note that this `api_key` will not be available when the User
        is fetched in the future.
        data = {'login': login}
        if password is not None:
            data['password'] = password
        url = "{0}/users".format(self.config.core_url)
        return User(self, login,, data=data).json())

    def _public_key_url(self, *args):
        return '/'.join([self.config.pubkeys_url] +
                        [urlescape(arg) for arg in args])

    def add_public_key(self, username, key):
        Upload an openssh formatted public key to be made available for the user
        given by `username`.

        The key should be formatted like `ssh-rsa`.
        """, data=key)

    def remove_public_key(self, username, keyname):
        Remove a specific public key for the user identified by `username`.
        The `keyname` argument refers to the name field in the openssh formatted key
        to be deleted.

        For example, if they key contents are `ssh-rsa`,
        the `keyname` should be ``
        self.delete(self._public_key_url(username, keyname))

    def remove_public_keys(self, username):
        Remove all public keys for the user represented by `username`.
        for keyname in self.public_key_names(username):
            self.remove_public_key(username, keyname)

    def public_keys(self, username):
        Returns all keys for the user given by `username`, as a newline delimited string.

        The odd format is chosen to support the Conjur SSH login implementation.
        return self.get(self._public_key_url(username)).text

    def public_key(self, username, keyname):
        Return the contents of a specific public key given by `keyname`,
        for the user given by `username` as a string.

        The name of the key is based on the name entry of the openssh formatted key that was uploaded.

        For example, if they key contents are `ssh-rsa`,
        the `keyname` should be ``
        return self.get(self._public_key_url(username, keyname)).text

    def public_key_names(self, username):
        Return the names of public keys for the user given by `username`.

        The names of the keys are based on the name entry of the openssh formatted key that was uploaded.

        For example, if they key contents are `ssh-rsa`,
        the `keyname` should be ``
        return [k.split(' ')[-1] for k in self.public_keys(username).split('\n')]

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, credentials=None, token=None, config=None)

Creates an API instance configured with the given credentials or token and config.

Generally you should use new_from_key, new_from_netrc, or new_from_token to get an API instance instead of calling this constructor directly.

credentials should be a (login,api_key) tuple if present.

token should be a string containing a Conjur JSON token to use when authenticating.

config should be a Config instance, and defaults to config.

def __init__(self, credentials=None, token=None, config=None):
    Creates an API instance configured with the given credentials or token
    and config.
    Generally you should use `conjur.new_from_key`, `conjur.new_from_netrc`,
    or `conjur.new_from_token` to get an API instance instead of calling
    this constructor directly.
    `credentials` should be a `(login,api_key)` tuple if present.
    `token` should be a string containing a Conjur JSON token to use when authenticating.
    `config` should be a `conjur.Config` instance, and defaults to `conjur.config`.
    if credentials:
        self.login, self.api_key = credentials
        self.token = None
    elif token:
        self.token = token
        self.login = self.api_key = None
        raise TypeError("must be given a credentials or token argument")
    if config:
        self.config = config
        from conjur.config import config as default_config
        self.config = default_config

def add_public_key(

self, username, key)

Upload an openssh formatted public key to be made available for the user given by username.

The key should be formatted like ssh-rsa <data...>

def add_public_key(self, username, key):
    Upload an openssh formatted public key to be made available for the user
    given by `username`.
    The key should be formatted like `ssh-rsa`.
    """, data=key)

def auth_header(


Get the value of an Authorization header to make Conjur requests, performing authentication if necessary.

Returns a string suitable for use as an Authorization header value.

def auth_header(self):
    Get the value of an Authorization header to make Conjur requests,
    performing authentication if necessary.
    Returns a string suitable for use as an `Authorization` header value.
    token = self.authenticate()
    enc = base64.b64encode(token)
    return 'Token token="%s"' % enc

def authenticate(

self, cached=True)

Authenticate with Conjur and return a token (str) that can be used to establish identity to Conjur services.

Returns the json formatted signed Conjur authentication Token.

It is an error to call this method if the API was created with a token rather than a login and api key.

When cached is True, a cached token value will be used if it is available, otherwise the token will be fetched whether or not a cached value is present.

def authenticate(self, cached=True):
    Authenticate with Conjur and return a token (str) that can be used
    to establish identity to Conjur services.
    Returns the json formatted signed Conjur authentication Token.
    It is an error to call this method if the API was created with a token
    rather than a login and api key.
    When `cached` is True, a cached token value will be used if it is
    available, otherwise the token will be fetched whether or not a
    cached value is present.
    if cached and self.token:
        return self.token
    if not self.login or not self.api_key:
        raise ConjurException(
            "API created without credentials can't authenticate")
    url = "%s/users/%s/authenticate" % (self.config.authn_url,
    self.token = self._request('post', url, self.api_key).text
    return self.token

def create_group(

self, id)

Creates a Conjur Group and returns a Group object representing it.

id is the identifier of the group to create.

def create_group(self, id):
    Creates a Conjur Group and returns a `conjur.Group` object representing it.
    `id` is the identifier of the group to create.
    """'{0}/groups'.format(self.config.core_url), data={'id': id})
    return Group(self, id)

def create_host(

self, host_id)

Creates a Conjur Host and returns a Host object that represents it.

host_id is the id of the Host to be created. The Host object returned by this method will have an api_key attribute, but when the Host is fetched in the future this attribute is not available.

def create_host(self, host_id):
    Creates a Conjur Host and returns a `conjur.Host` object that represents it.
    `host_id` is the id of the Host to be created.  The `conjur.Host` object returned by
    this method will have an `api_key` attribute, but when the Host is fetched in the future this attribute
    is not available.
    attrs ="{0}/hosts".format(self.config.core_url),
                      data={'id': host_id}).json()
    return Host(self, host_id, attrs)

def create_user(

self, login, password=None)

Create a Conjur user with the given login and password, and returns a User object representing it.

If password is not given, the user will only be able to authenticate using the generated api_key attribute of the returned User instance. Note that this api_key will not be available when the User is fetched in the future.

def create_user(self, login, password=None):
    Create a Conjur user with the given `login` and password, and returns a `conjur.User` object
    representing it.
    If `password` is not given, the user will only be able to authenticate using the generated api_key
    attribute of the returned User instance.  Note that this `api_key` will not be available when the User
    is fetched in the future.
    data = {'login': login}
    if password is not None:
        data['password'] = password
    url = "{0}/users".format(self.config.core_url)
    return User(self, login,, data=data).json())

def create_variable(

self, id=None, mime_type='text/plain', kind='secret', value=None)

Creates a Conjur variable.

Returns a Variable object.

id is an identifier for the new variable. If not given, a unique id will be generated.

mime_type is a string like text/plain indicating the content type stored by the variable. This determines the Content-Type header of responses returning the variable's value.

kind is a string indicating a user defined role for the variable. Ignored by Conjur, but useful for making a variable's purpose.

value is a string assigning an initial value for the variable.

def create_variable(self, id=None, mime_type='text/plain', kind='secret',
    Creates a Conjur variable.
    Returns a `conjur.Variable` object.
    `id` is an identifier for the new variable.  If not given, a unique id will
    be generated.
    `mime_type` is a string like `text/plain` indicating the content type stored by the
    variable.  This determines the Content-Type header of responses returning the variable's value.
    `kind`  is a string indicating a user defined role for the variable.
    Ignored by Conjur, but useful for making a variable's
    `value` is a string assigning an initial value for the variable.
    data = {'mime_type': mime_type, 'kind': kind}
    if id is not None:
        data['id'] = id
    if value is not None:
        data['value'] = value
    attrs ="%s/variables" % self.config.core_url, data=data).json()
    id = id or attrs['id']
    return Variable(self, id, attrs)

def delete(

self, url, **kwargs)

NOTE You will generally not need to use this method directly.

Makes an authenticated DELETE request to the given url

Returns a requests.Response object.

If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.

url is the full url to request. Keyword arguments are passed through to requests.delete.

def delete(self, url, **kwargs):
    **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.
    Makes an authenticated `DELETE` request to the given `url`
    Returns a `requests.Response` object.
    If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.
    `url` is the full url to request.
     Keyword arguments are passed through to `requests.delete`.
    return self.request('delete', url, **kwargs)

def get(

self, url, **kwargs)

NOTE You will generally not need to use this method directly.

Makes an authenticated GET request to the given :url:.

Returns a requests.Response object.

If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.

url is the full url to request. Keyword arguments are passed through to requests.get.

def get(self, url, **kwargs):
    **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.
    Makes an authenticated GET request to the given :url:.
    Returns a requests.Response object.
    If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.
    `url` is the full url to request.
     Keyword arguments are passed through to `requests.get`.
    return self.request('get', url, **kwargs)

def group(

self, id)

Return a Group object with the given id.

This method neither creates nor checks for the groups's existence.

id is the unqualified id of the group, and does not include the account or kind.

def group(self, id):
    Return a `conjur.Group` object with the given id.
    This method neither creates nor checks for the groups's existence.
    `id` is the *unqualified* id of the group, and does not include the account or kind.
    return Group(self, id)

def host(

self, host_id)

Return a Host object with the given host_id.

This method neither creates nor checks for the host's existence.

def host(self, host_id):
    Return a `conjur.Host` object with the given `host_id`.
    This method neither creates nor checks for the host's existence.
    return Host(self, host_id)

def layer(

self, layer_id)

Return a Layer object with the given layer_id.

This method neither creates nor checks for the layer's existence.

def layer(self, layer_id):
    Return a `conjur.Layer` object with the given `layer_id`.
    This method neither creates nor checks for the layer's existence.
    return Layer(self, layer_id)

def post(

self, url, **kwargs)

NOTE You will generally not need to use this method directly.

Makes an authenticated POST request to the given url

Returns a requests.Response object.

If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.

url is the full url to request. Keyword arguments are passed through to

def post(self, url, **kwargs):
    **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.
    Makes an authenticated `POST` request to the given `url`
    Returns a `requests.Response` object.
    If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.
    `url` is the full url to request.
     Keyword arguments are passed through to ``.
    return self.request('post', url, **kwargs)

def public_key(

self, username, keyname)

Return the contents of a specific public key given by keyname, for the user given by username as a string.

The name of the key is based on the name entry of the openssh formatted key that was uploaded.

For example, if they key contents are ssh-rsa <data...>, the keyname should be

def public_key(self, username, keyname):
    Return the contents of a specific public key given by `keyname`,
    for the user given by `username` as a string.
    The name of the key is based on the name entry of the openssh formatted key that was uploaded.
    For example, if they key contents are `ssh-rsa`,
    the `keyname` should be ``
    return self.get(self._public_key_url(username, keyname)).text

def public_key_names(

self, username)

Return the names of public keys for the user given by username.

The names of the keys are based on the name entry of the openssh formatted key that was uploaded.

For example, if they key contents are ssh-rsa <data...>, the keyname should be

def public_key_names(self, username):
    Return the names of public keys for the user given by `username`.
    The names of the keys are based on the name entry of the openssh formatted key that was uploaded.
    For example, if they key contents are `ssh-rsa`,
    the `keyname` should be ``
    return [k.split(' ')[-1] for k in self.public_keys(username).split('\n')]

def public_keys(

self, username)

Returns all keys for the user given by username, as a newline delimited string.

The odd format is chosen to support the Conjur SSH login implementation.

def public_keys(self, username):
    Returns all keys for the user given by `username`, as a newline delimited string.
    The odd format is chosen to support the Conjur SSH login implementation.
    return self.get(self._public_key_url(username)).text

def put(

self, url, **kwargs)

NOTE You will generally not need to use this method directly.

Makes an authenticated PUT request to the given url

Returns a requests.Response object.

If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.

url is the full url to request. Keyword arguments are passed through to requests.put.

def put(self,url, **kwargs):
    **NOTE** You will generally not need to use this method directly.
    Makes an authenticated `PUT` request to the given `url`
    Returns a `requests.Response` object.
    If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.
    `url` is the full url to request.
     Keyword arguments are passed through to `requests.put`.
    return self.request('put', url, **kwargs)

def remove_public_key(

self, username, keyname)

Remove a specific public key for the user identified by username. The keyname argument refers to the name field in the openssh formatted key to be deleted.

For example, if they key contents are ssh-rsa <data...>, the keyname should be

def remove_public_key(self, username, keyname):
    Remove a specific public key for the user identified by `username`.
    The `keyname` argument refers to the name field in the openssh formatted key
    to be deleted.
    For example, if they key contents are `ssh-rsa`,
    the `keyname` should be ``
    self.delete(self._public_key_url(username, keyname))

def remove_public_keys(

self, username)

Remove all public keys for the user represented by username.

def remove_public_keys(self, username):
    Remove all public keys for the user represented by `username`.
    for keyname in self.public_key_names(username):
        self.remove_public_key(username, keyname)

def request(

self, method, url, **kwargs)

Make an authenticated request with the given method and url. Additional arguments are passed to requests..

Returns a requests.Response object.

If the response status is not 2xx, raises a ConjurException.

method is of the standard HTTP verbs (case insensitive).

url is the full url to request.

If kwargs['check_errors'] is True, non-2xx responses will raise a ConjurException. Otherwise, it is the callers responsibility to check the status of the returned requests.Response.

Additional are passed through to the requests. call after adding an Authorization header and HTTPS verification settings.

def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
    Make an authenticated request with the given method and url.
    Additional arguments are passed to requests..
    Returns a `requests.Response` object.
    If the response status is not 2xx, raises a `conjur.ConjurException`.
    `method` is of the standard HTTP verbs (case insensitive).
    `url` is the full url to request.
    If `kwargs['check_errors']` is `True`, non-2xx responses will raise a `conjur.ConjurException`.
    Otherwise, it is the callers responsibility to check the status of the returned `requests.Response`.
    Additional are passed through to the requests. call after adding an `Authorization`
    header and HTTPS verification settings.
    headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
    headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_header()
    return self._request(method, url, **kwargs)

def resource(

self, kind, identifier)

Return a Resource object with the given kind and id.

This method neither creates nor checks for the resource's existence.

kind should be the resource kind - for example, "variable", "webservice", or "configuration".

identifier should be the unqualified Conjur id. For example, to get the resource for a user variable named db_password, you would call api.resource('variable', 'db_password').

def resource(self, kind, identifier):
    Return a `conjur.Resource` object with the given kind and id.
    This method neither creates nor checks for the resource's existence.
    `kind` should be the resource kind - for example, `"variable"`, `"webservice"`,
    or `"configuration"`.
    `identifier` should be the *unqualified* Conjur id.  For example, to
    get the resource for a user variable named db_password, you would call
    `api.resource('variable', 'db_password')`.
    return Resource(self, kind, identifier)

def role(

self, kind, identifier)

Return a Role object with the given kind and id.

This method neither creates nor checks for the roles's existence.

kind should be the role kind - for example, "group", "user", or "host".

identifier should be the unqualified Conjur id. For example, to get the role for a user named bub, you would call api.role('user', 'bub').

def role(self, kind, identifier):
    Return a `conjur.Role` object with the given kind and id.
    This method neither creates nor checks for the roles's existence.
    `kind` should be the role kind - for example, `"group"`, `"user"`,
    or `"host"`.
    `identifier` should be the *unqualified* Conjur id.  For example, to
    get the role for a user named bub, you would call `api.role('user', 'bub')`.
    return Role(self, kind, identifier)

def user(

self, login)

Returns an object representing a Conjur user with the given login.

The user is not created by this method, and may in fact not exist.

def user(self, login):
    Returns an object representing a Conjur user with the given login.
    The user is *not* created by this method, and may in fact not exist.
    return User(self, login)

def variable(

self, id)

Return a Variable object with the given id.

This method neither creates nor checks for the variable's existence.

def variable(self, id):
    Return a `conjur.Variable` object with the given `id`.
    This method neither creates nor checks for the variable's existence.
    return Variable(self, id)

class Config

class Config(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._config = {}

    def load(self, input):
        import yaml

        if isinstance(input, str):
            input = open(input, 'r')
        conf = yaml.safe_load(input)

    def update(self, *dicts, **kwargs):
        for d in dicts + (kwargs, ):

    def service_url(self, service, per_account=True):
        key = '%s_url' % service
        if key in self._config:
            return self._config[key]
        if self.appliance_url is not None:
            url_parts = [self.appliance_url]
            if service != "core":
            return "/".join(url_parts)
            raise ConfigException('Missing appliance_url')

    def get(self, key, default=_DEFAULT):
        if key in self._config:
            return self._config[key]
        env_key = 'CONJUR_' + key.upper()
        if env_key in os.environ:
            value = os.environ[env_key]
            self._config[key] = value
            return value
        if default is _DEFAULT:
            raise Exception("config setting %s is required" % key)
        return default

    def set(self, key, value):
        self._config[key] = value

    authn_url = _service_url('authn', doc='URL for the authn service')
    core_url = _service_url('core', doc='URL for the core service')
    authz_url = _service_url('authz',
                             doc='URL for the authz service')

    pubkeys_url = _service_url('pubkeys', doc='URL for the pubkeys service')

    cert_file = _setting('cert_file', None,
                         "Path to certificate to verify ssl requests \
                         to appliance")

    account = _setting('account', 'conjur', 'Conjur account identifier')

    appliance_url = _setting('appliance_url', None, 'URL for Conjur appliance')

    def verify(self):
        Argument to be passed to `requests` methods `verify` keyword argument.
        if self.cert_file is not None:
            return self.cert_file
            return True

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var account

var appliance_url

var authn_url

var authz_url

var cert_file

var core_url

var pubkeys_url

Instance variables

var account

Conjur account identifier

var appliance_url

URL for Conjur appliance

var authn_url

URL for the authn service

var authz_url

URL for the authz service

var cert_file

Path to certificate to verify ssl requests to appliance

var core_url

URL for the core service

var pubkeys_url

URL for the pubkeys service

var verify

Argument to be passed to requests methods verify keyword argument.


def __init__(

self, **kwargs)

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    self._config = {}

def get(

self, key, default=<object object at 0x7f42b7b900e0>)

def get(self, key, default=_DEFAULT):
    if key in self._config:
        return self._config[key]
    env_key = 'CONJUR_' + key.upper()
    if env_key in os.environ:
        value = os.environ[env_key]
        self._config[key] = value
        return value
    if default is _DEFAULT:
        raise Exception("config setting %s is required" % key)
    return default

def load(

self, input)

def load(self, input):
    import yaml
    if isinstance(input, str):
        input = open(input, 'r')
    conf = yaml.safe_load(input)

def service_url(

self, service, per_account=True)

def service_url(self, service, per_account=True):
    key = '%s_url' % service
    if key in self._config:
        return self._config[key]
    if self.appliance_url is not None:
        url_parts = [self.appliance_url]
        if service != "core":
        return "/".join(url_parts)
        raise ConfigException('Missing appliance_url')

def set(

self, key, value)

def set(self, key, value):
    self._config[key] = value

def update(

self, *dicts, **kwargs)

def update(self, *dicts, **kwargs):
    for d in dicts + (kwargs, ):

class ConjurException

class ConjurException(Exception):

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var args

var message

class Group

Represents a Conjur group.

Generally you won't create instances of this class, but use the method.

A group is a role that contains other roles, typically users and other groups. A Group object can list its members with the members method, and also manage them with the add_member and remove_member methods.

class Group(object):
    Represents a Conjur [group](

    Generally you won't create instances of this class, but use the `` method.

    A group is a role that contains other roles, typically users and other groups.  A `conjur.Group`
    object can list its members with the `members` method, and also manage them with the `add_member`
    and `remove_member` methods.
    def __init__(self, api, id):
        self.api = api
        Instance of `conjur.API` used to implement Conjur operations.
        """ = id
        Identifier (unqualified) of the group.

        self.role = api.role('group', id)
        Represents the `conjur.Role` associated with this group.

    def members(self):
        Return a list of members of this group.  Members are returned as `dict`s
        with the following keys:

        * `'member'` the fully qualified identifier of the group
        * `'role'` the fully qualified identifier of the group (redundant)
        * `'grantor'` the role that granted the membership
        * `'admin_option'` whether this member can grant membership in the group to other roles.

        Example: print member ids (fully qualified) and whether they are admins of the group.
            >>> group ='security_admin')
            >>> for member in group.members():
            ...     print('{} is a member of security_admin ({} admin option)'.format(
            ...         member['member'],
            ...         'with' if member['admin_option'] else 'without'
            ...     ))
        return self.role.members()

    def add_member(self, member, admin=False):
        Add a member to this group.

        `member` is the member we want to add to the group, and  should be a qualified Conjur id,
            or an object with a `role` attribute or a `roleid` method.  Examples of such objects
            include `conjur.User`, `conjur.Role`, and `conjur.Group`.

        If `admin` is True, the member will be allowed to add other members to this group.
        self.role.grant_to(member, admin)

    def remove_member(self, member):
        Remove a member from the group.

        `member` is the member to remove, and  should be a qualified Conjur id,
            or an object with a `role` attribute or a `roleid` method.  Examples of such objects
            include `conjur.User`, `conjur.Role`, and `conjur.Group`.

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

Instance of API used to implement Conjur operations.

var id

Identifier (unqualified) of the group.

var role

Represents the Role associated with this group.


def __init__(

self, api, id)

def __init__(self, api, id):
    self.api = api
    Instance of `conjur.API` used to implement Conjur operations.
    """ = id
    Identifier (unqualified) of the group.
    self.role = api.role('group', id)
    Represents the `conjur.Role` associated with this group.

def add_member(

self, member, admin=False)

Add a member to this group.

member is the member we want to add to the group, and should be a qualified Conjur id, or an object with a role attribute or a roleid method. Examples of such objects include User, Role, and Group.

If admin is True, the member will be allowed to add other members to this group.

def add_member(self, member, admin=False):
    Add a member to this group.
    `member` is the member we want to add to the group, and  should be a qualified Conjur id,
        or an object with a `role` attribute or a `roleid` method.  Examples of such objects
        include `conjur.User`, `conjur.Role`, and `conjur.Group`.
    If `admin` is True, the member will be allowed to add other members to this group.
    self.role.grant_to(member, admin)

def members(


Return a list of members of this group. Members are returned as dicts with the following keys:

  • 'member' the fully qualified identifier of the group
  • 'role' the fully qualified identifier of the group (redundant)
  • 'grantor' the role that granted the membership
  • 'admin_option' whether this member can grant membership in the group to other roles.

Example: print member ids (fully qualified) and whether they are admins of the group. >>> group ='security_admin') >>> for member in group.members(): ... print('{} is a member of security_admin ({} admin option)'.format( ... member['member'], ... 'with' if member['admin_option'] else 'without' ... ))

def members(self):
    Return a list of members of this group.  Members are returned as `dict`s
    with the following keys:
    * `'member'` the fully qualified identifier of the group
    * `'role'` the fully qualified identifier of the group (redundant)
    * `'grantor'` the role that granted the membership
    * `'admin_option'` whether this member can grant membership in the group to other roles.
    Example: print member ids (fully qualified) and whether they are admins of the group.
        >>> group ='security_admin')
        >>> for member in group.members():
        ...     print('{} is a member of security_admin ({} admin option)'.format(
        ...         member['member'],
        ...         'with' if member['admin_option'] else 'without'
        ...     ))
    return self.role.members()

def remove_member(

self, member)

Remove a member from the group.

member is the member to remove, and should be a qualified Conjur id, or an object with a role attribute or a roleid method. Examples of such objects include User, Role, and Group.

def remove_member(self, member):
    Remove a member from the group.
    `member` is the member to remove, and  should be a qualified Conjur id,
        or an object with a `role` attribute or a `roleid` method.  Examples of such objects
        include `conjur.User`, `conjur.Role`, and `conjur.Group`.

class Host

A Conjur Host is a role corresponding to a machine or machine identity.

The Host class provides the ability to check for existence and read attributes of the host.

Attributes (such as the ownerid) are fetched lazily.

Newly created hosts, as returned by create_host, have an api_key attribute, but existing hosts retrieved with host or the constructor of this class do not have one.


>>> # Create a host and save it's api key to a file.
>>> host = api.create_host('jenkins')
>>> api_key = host.api_key
>>> with open('/etc/conjur.identity') as f:
...     f.write(api_key)


>>> # See if a host named `jenkins` exists:
>>> if'jenkins').exists():
...     print("Host 'jenkins' exists")
... else:
...     print("Host 'jenkins' does not exist")
class Host(object):
    A Conjur `Host` is a role corresponding to a machine or machine identity.

    The `Host` class provides the ability to check for existence and read attributes of the

    Attributes (such as the `ownerid`) are fetched lazily.

    Newly created hosts, as returned by `conjur.API.create_host`, have an `api_key` attribute,
    but existing hosts retrieved with `` or the constructor of this class *do not*
    have one.


        >>> # Create a host and save it's api key to a file.
        >>> host = api.create_host('jenkins')
        >>> api_key = host.api_key
        >>> with open('/etc/conjur.identity') as f:
        ...     f.write(api_key)


        >>> # See if a host named `jenkins` exists:
        >>> if'jenkins').exists():
        ...     print("Host 'jenkins' exists")
        ... else:
        ...     print("Host 'jenkins' does not exist")

    def __init__(self, api, id, attrs=None):
        self.api = api = id
        self._attrs = attrs
        self.role = self.api.role('host',

    def exists(self):
        Return `True` if this host exists.
        status = self.api.get(self._url(), check_errors=False).status_code
        if status == 200:
            return True
        if status == 404:
            return False
        raise ConjurException("Request Failed: {0}".format(status))

    def _fetch(self):
        self._attrs = self.api.get(self._url()).json()

    def _url(self):
        return "{0}/hosts/{1}".format(self.api.config.core_url,

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if self._attrs is None:
            return self._attrs[item]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(item)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

var id

var role


def __init__(

self, api, id, attrs=None)

def __init__(self, api, id, attrs=None):
    self.api = api = id
    self._attrs = attrs
    self.role = self.api.role('host',

def exists(


Return True if this host exists.

def exists(self):
    Return `True` if this host exists.
    status = self.api.get(self._url(), check_errors=False).status_code
    if status == 200:
        return True
    if status == 404:
        return False
    raise ConjurException("Request Failed: {0}".format(status))

class Layer

class Layer(object):
    def __init__(self, api, id, attrs=None):
        self.api = api = id
        self._attrs = {} if attrs is None else attrs

    def add_host(self, host):
        hostid = authzid(host, 'role', with_account=False), data={'hostid': hostid})

    def remove_host(self, host):
        hostid = authzid(host, 'role')

    def exists(self):
        resp = self.api.get(self._url(), check_errors=False)
        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return True
        if resp.status_code == 404:
            return False
        raise ConjurException("Request Failed: {0}".format(resp.status_code))

    def _url(self):
        return "{0}/layers/{1}".format(self.api.config.core_url,

    def _hosts_url(self):
        return "{0}/hosts".format(self._url())

    def _host_url(self, host_id):
        return "{0}/{1}".format(self._hosts_url(), urlescape(host_id))

    def _fetch(self):
        self._attrs = self.api.get(self._url()).json()

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if self._attrs is None:
            return self._attrs[item]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(item)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

var id


def __init__(

self, api, id, attrs=None)

def __init__(self, api, id, attrs=None):
    self.api = api = id
    self._attrs = {} if attrs is None else attrs

def add_host(

self, host)

def add_host(self, host):
    hostid = authzid(host, 'role', with_account=False), data={'hostid': hostid})

def exists(


def exists(self):
    resp = self.api.get(self._url(), check_errors=False)
    if resp.status_code == 200:
        return True
    if resp.status_code == 404:
        return False
    raise ConjurException("Request Failed: {0}".format(resp.status_code))

def remove_host(

self, host)

def remove_host(self, host):
    hostid = authzid(host, 'role')

class Resource

A Resource represents an object on which Roles can be permitted to perform certain actions.

Generally you will not construct these directly, but call the role method to do so.

class Resource(object):
    A `Resource` represents an object on which `Role`s can
    be permitted to perform certain actions.

    Generally you will not construct these directly, but call the `conjur.API.role` method
    to do so.
    def __init__(self, api, kind, identifier):
        self.api = api
        self.kind = kind
        self.identifier = identifier

    def resourceid(self):
        The fully qualified resource id as a string, like `'the-account:variable:db-password`.
        return ":".join([self.api.config.account, self.kind, self.identifier])

    def permit(self, role, privilege, grant_option=False):
        Permit `role` to perform `privilege` on this resource.

        `role` is a qualified conjur identifier (e.g. `'user:alice`') or an object
            with a `role` attribute or `roleid` method, such as a `conjur.User` or

        If `grant_option` is True, the role will be able to grant this
        permission to other resources.

        You must own the resource or have the permission with `grant_option`
        to call this method.
        data = {}
        params = {
            'permit': 'true',
            'privilege': privilege,
            'role': authzid(role, 'role')
        if grant_option:
            data['grant_option'] = 'true', data=data, params=params)

    def deny(self, role, privilege):
        Deny `role` permission to perform `privilege` on this resource.

        You must own the resource or have the permission with `grant_option`
        on it to call this method.
        params = {
            'permit': 'true',
            'privilege': privilege,
            'role': authzid(role)
        }, params=params)

    def permitted(self, privilege, role=None):
        Return True if `role` has `privilege` on this resource.

        `role` may be a `conjur.Role` instance, an object with a `role` method,
        or a qualified role id as a string.

        If `role` is not given, check the permission for the currently
        authenticated role.

        Example: Check that the currently authenticated role is allowed to `'read'`
            a resource.

            >>> service = api.resource('service', 'gateway')
            >>> if service.permitted('read'):
            ...     print("I can read 'service:gateway'")
            ... else:
            ...     print("I cannot read 'service:gateway'")

        Example: Check whether members of group 'security_admin' can 'update'
            a resource.

            >>> service = api.resource('service', 'gateway')
            >>> security_admin ='security_admin')
            >>> if service.permitted('update', security_admin):
            ...     print("security_admin members can update service:gateway")
            >>> else:
            ...     print("security_admin members cannot update service:gateway")

        if role is None:
            # Handle self role check
            response = self.api.get(self.url(),
                                    params={'check': 'true',
                                            'privilege': privilege},
            if response.status_code == 204:
                return True
            elif response.status_code in (404, 403):
                return False
                raise ConjurException("Request failed: %d" % response.status_code)
            # Otherwise call role.is_permitted
            return Role.from_roleid(self.api, role).is_permitted(self, privilege)

    def url(self):
        Internal method to return a url for this object as a string.
        return "/".join([

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

var identifier

var kind

var resourceid

The fully qualified resource id as a string, like 'the-account:variable:db-password.


def __init__(

self, api, kind, identifier)

def __init__(self, api, kind, identifier):
    self.api = api
    self.kind = kind
    self.identifier = identifier

def deny(

self, role, privilege)

Deny role permission to perform privilege on this resource.

You must own the resource or have the permission with grant_option on it to call this method.

def deny(self, role, privilege):
    Deny `role` permission to perform `privilege` on this resource.
    You must own the resource or have the permission with `grant_option`
    on it to call this method.
    params = {
        'permit': 'true',
        'privilege': privilege,
        'role': authzid(role)
    }, params=params)

def permit(

self, role, privilege, grant_option=False)

Permit role to perform privilege on this resource.

role is a qualified conjur identifier (e.g. 'user:alice') or an object with a role attribute or roleid method, such as a User or Group.

If grant_option is True, the role will be able to grant this permission to other resources.

You must own the resource or have the permission with grant_option to call this method.

def permit(self, role, privilege, grant_option=False):
    Permit `role` to perform `privilege` on this resource.
    `role` is a qualified conjur identifier (e.g. `'user:alice`') or an object
        with a `role` attribute or `roleid` method, such as a `conjur.User` or
    If `grant_option` is True, the role will be able to grant this
    permission to other resources.
    You must own the resource or have the permission with `grant_option`
    to call this method.
    data = {}
    params = {
        'permit': 'true',
        'privilege': privilege,
        'role': authzid(role, 'role')
    if grant_option:
        data['grant_option'] = 'true', data=data, params=params)

def permitted(

self, privilege, role=None)

Return True if role has privilege on this resource.

role may be a Role instance, an object with a role method, or a qualified role id as a string.

If role is not given, check the permission for the currently authenticated role.

Example: Check that the currently authenticated role is allowed to 'read' a resource.

>>> service = api.resource('service', 'gateway')
>>> if service.permitted('read'):
...     print("I can read 'service:gateway'")
... else:
...     print("I cannot read 'service:gateway'")

Example: Check whether members of group 'security_admin' can 'update' a resource.

>>> service = api.resource('service', 'gateway')
>>> security_admin ='security_admin')
>>> if service.permitted('update', security_admin):
...     print("security_admin members can update service:gateway")
>>> else:
...     print("security_admin members cannot update service:gateway")
def permitted(self, privilege, role=None):
    Return True if `role` has `privilege` on this resource.
    `role` may be a `conjur.Role` instance, an object with a `role` method,
    or a qualified role id as a string.
    If `role` is not given, check the permission for the currently
    authenticated role.
    Example: Check that the currently authenticated role is allowed to `'read'`
        a resource.
        >>> service = api.resource('service', 'gateway')
        >>> if service.permitted('read'):
        ...     print("I can read 'service:gateway'")
        ... else:
        ...     print("I cannot read 'service:gateway'")
    Example: Check whether members of group 'security_admin' can 'update'
        a resource.
        >>> service = api.resource('service', 'gateway')
        >>> security_admin ='security_admin')
        >>> if service.permitted('update', security_admin):
        ...     print("security_admin members can update service:gateway")
        >>> else:
        ...     print("security_admin members cannot update service:gateway")
    if role is None:
        # Handle self role check
        response = self.api.get(self.url(),
                                params={'check': 'true',
                                        'privilege': privilege},
        if response.status_code == 204:
            return True
        elif response.status_code in (404, 403):
            return False
            raise ConjurException("Request failed: %d" % response.status_code)
        # Otherwise call role.is_permitted
        return Role.from_roleid(self.api, role).is_permitted(self, privilege)

def url(


Internal method to return a url for this object as a string.

def url(self):
    Internal method to return a url for this object as a string.
    return "/".join([

class Role

Represents a Conjur role.

An instance of this class does not know whether the role in question exists.

Generally you should create instances of this class through the role method, or the Role.from_roleid classmethod.

Roles can provide information about their members and can check whether the role they represent is allowed to perform certain operations on resources.

User and Group objects have role members that reference the role corresponding to that Conjur asset.

class Role(object):
    Represents a Conjur [role](

    An instance of this class does not know whether the role in question exists.

    Generally you should create instances of this class through the `conjur.API.role` method,
    or the `Role.from_roleid` classmethod.

    Roles can provide information about their members and can check whether the role they represent
    is allowed to perform certain operations on resources.

    `conjur.User` and `conjur.Group` objects have `role` members that reference the role corresponding
    to that Conjur asset.
    def __init__(self, api, kind, identifier):
        Create a role to represent the Conjur role with id `:`.  For
        example, to represent the role associated with a user named bob,

            role = Role(api, 'user', 'bob')

        `api` must be a `conjur.API` instance, used to implement this classes interactions with Conjur

        `kind` is a string giving the role kind

        `identifier` is the unqualified identifier of the role.

        self.api = api
        The `conjur.API` instance used to implement our methods.

        self.kind = kind
        The `kind` portion of the role's id.

        self.identifier = identifier
        The `identifier` portion of the role's id.

    def from_roleid(cls, api, roleid):
        Creates an instance of `conjur.Role` from a full role id string.

        `api` is an instance of `conjur.API`

        `roleid` is a fully or partially qualified Conjur identifier, for example,
        `"the-account:service:some-service"` or `"service:some-service"` resolve to the same role.
        tokens = authzid(roleid, 'role').split(':', 3)
        if len(tokens) == 3:
        return cls(api, *tokens)

    def roleid(self):
        Return the full role id as a string.


            >>> role = api.role('user', 'bob')
            >>> role.roleid

        return ':'.join([self.api.config.account, self.kind, self.identifier])

    def is_permitted(self, resource, privilege):
        Check whether `resource` has `privilege` on this role.

        `resource` is a qualified identifier for the resource.

        `privilege` is a string like `"update"` or `"execute"`.


            >>> role = api.role('user', 'alice')
            >>> if role.is_permitted('variable:db-password', 'execute'):
            ...     print("Alice can fetch the database password")
            ... else:
            ...     print("Alice cannot fetch the database password")

        params = {
            'check': 'true',
            'resource_id': authzid(resource, 'resource'),
            'privilege': privilege
        response = self.api.get(self._url(), params=params,
        if response.status_code == 204:
            return True
        elif response.status_code in (403, 404):
            return False
            raise ConjurException("Request failed: %d" % response.status_code)

    def grant_to(self, member, admin=None):
        Grant this role to `member`.

        `member` is a string or object with a `role` attribute or `roleid` method,
            such as a `conjur.User` or `conjur.Group`.

        `admin` whether the member can grant this role to others.

        data = {}
        if admin is not None:
            data['admin'] = 'true' if admin else 'false'
        self.api.put(self._membership_url(member), data=data)

    def revoke_from(self, member):
        The inverse of `conjur.Role.grant_to`.  Removes `member` from the members of this

        `member` is a string or object with a `role` attribute or `roleid` method,
            such as a `conjur.User` or `conjur.Group`.

    def members(self):
        Return a list of members of this role.  Members are returned as `dict`s
        with the following keys:

        * `'member'` the fully qualified identifier of the group
        * `'role'` the fully qualified identifier of the group (redundant)
        * `'grantor'` the role that granted the membership
        * `'admin_option'` whether this member can grant membership in the group to other roles.
        return self.api.get(self._membership_url()).json()

    def _membership_url(self, member=None):
        url = self._url() + "?members"
        if member is not None:
            memberid = authzid(member, 'role')
            url += "&member=" + urlescape(memberid)
        return url

    def _url(self, *args):
        return "/".join([self.api.config.authz_url,
                         self.identifier] + list(args))

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

The API instance used to implement our methods.

var identifier

The identifier portion of the role's id.

var kind

The kind portion of the role's id.

var roleid

Return the full role id as a string.


>>> role = api.role('user', 'bob')
>>> role.roleid


def __init__(

self, api, kind, identifier)

Create a role to represent the Conjur role with id <kind>:<identifier>. For example, to represent the role associated with a user named bob,

role = Role(api, 'user', 'bob')

api must be a API instance, used to implement this classes interactions with Conjur

kind is a string giving the role kind

identifier is the unqualified identifier of the role.

def __init__(self, api, kind, identifier):
    Create a role to represent the Conjur role with id `:`.  For
    example, to represent the role associated with a user named bob,
        role = Role(api, 'user', 'bob')
    `api` must be a `conjur.API` instance, used to implement this classes interactions with Conjur
    `kind` is a string giving the role kind
    `identifier` is the unqualified identifier of the role.
    self.api = api
    The `conjur.API` instance used to implement our methods.
    self.kind = kind
    The `kind` portion of the role's id.
    self.identifier = identifier
    The `identifier` portion of the role's id.

def from_roleid(

cls, api, roleid)

Creates an instance of Role from a full role id string.

api is an instance of API

roleid is a fully or partially qualified Conjur identifier, for example, "the-account:service:some-service" or "service:some-service" resolve to the same role.

def from_roleid(cls, api, roleid):
    Creates an instance of `conjur.Role` from a full role id string.
    `api` is an instance of `conjur.API`
    `roleid` is a fully or partially qualified Conjur identifier, for example,
    `"the-account:service:some-service"` or `"service:some-service"` resolve to the same role.
    tokens = authzid(roleid, 'role').split(':', 3)
    if len(tokens) == 3:
    return cls(api, *tokens)

def grant_to(

self, member, admin=None)

Grant this role to member.

member is a string or object with a role attribute or roleid method, such as a User or Group.

admin whether the member can grant this role to others.

def grant_to(self, member, admin=None):
    Grant this role to `member`.
    `member` is a string or object with a `role` attribute or `roleid` method,
        such as a `conjur.User` or `conjur.Group`.
    `admin` whether the member can grant this role to others.
    data = {}
    if admin is not None:
        data['admin'] = 'true' if admin else 'false'
    self.api.put(self._membership_url(member), data=data)

def is_permitted(

self, resource, privilege)

Check whether resource has privilege on this role.

resource is a qualified identifier for the resource.

privilege is a string like "update" or "execute".


>>> role = api.role('user', 'alice')
>>> if role.is_permitted('variable:db-password', 'execute'):
...     print("Alice can fetch the database password")
... else:
...     print("Alice cannot fetch the database password")
def is_permitted(self, resource, privilege):
    Check whether `resource` has `privilege` on this role.
    `resource` is a qualified identifier for the resource.
    `privilege` is a string like `"update"` or `"execute"`.
        >>> role = api.role('user', 'alice')
        >>> if role.is_permitted('variable:db-password', 'execute'):
        ...     print("Alice can fetch the database password")
        ... else:
        ...     print("Alice cannot fetch the database password")
    params = {
        'check': 'true',
        'resource_id': authzid(resource, 'resource'),
        'privilege': privilege
    response = self.api.get(self._url(), params=params,
    if response.status_code == 204:
        return True
    elif response.status_code in (403, 404):
        return False
        raise ConjurException("Request failed: %d" % response.status_code)

def members(


Return a list of members of this role. Members are returned as dicts with the following keys:

  • 'member' the fully qualified identifier of the group
  • 'role' the fully qualified identifier of the group (redundant)
  • 'grantor' the role that granted the membership
  • 'admin_option' whether this member can grant membership in the group to other roles.
def members(self):
    Return a list of members of this role.  Members are returned as `dict`s
    with the following keys:
    * `'member'` the fully qualified identifier of the group
    * `'role'` the fully qualified identifier of the group (redundant)
    * `'grantor'` the role that granted the membership
    * `'admin_option'` whether this member can grant membership in the group to other roles.
    return self.api.get(self._membership_url()).json()

def revoke_from(

self, member)

The inverse of grant_to. Removes member from the members of this role.

member is a string or object with a role attribute or roleid method, such as a User or Group.

def revoke_from(self, member):
    The inverse of `conjur.Role.grant_to`.  Removes `member` from the members of this
    `member` is a string or object with a `role` attribute or `roleid` method,
        such as a `conjur.User` or `conjur.Group`.

class User

class User(object):
    def __init__(self, api, login, attrs=None):
        self.api = api
        self.login = login
        # support as_role
        self.role = api.role('user', login)
        self._attrs = attrs

    def exists(self):
        resp = self.api.get(self.url(), check_errors=False)
        return resp.status_code != 404

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if self._attrs is None:
            return self._attrs[item]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(item)

    def _fetch(self):
        self._attrs = self.api.get(self.url()).json()

    def url(self):
        return "{0}/users/{1}".format(self.api.config.core_url,

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

var login

var role


def __init__(

self, api, login, attrs=None)

def __init__(self, api, login, attrs=None):
    self.api = api
    self.login = login
    # support as_role
    self.role = api.role('user', login)
    self._attrs = attrs

def exists(


def exists(self):
    resp = self.api.get(self.url(), check_errors=False)
    return resp.status_code != 404

def url(


def url(self):
    return "{0}/users/{1}".format(self.api.config.core_url,

class Variable

A Variable represents a versioned secret stored in Conjur.

Generally you will get an instance of this class by calling create_variable or variable.

Instances of this class allow you to fetch values of the variable, and store new ones.


>>> # Print the current value of the variable `mysql-password`
>>> variable = api.variable('mysql-password')
>>> print("mysql-password is {}".format(variable.value()))


>>> # Print all versions of the same variable
>>> variable = api.variable('mysql-password')
>>> for i in range(1, variable.version_count + 1): # version numbers are 1 based
...     print("version {} of 'mysql-password' is {}".format(i, variable.value(i)))
class Variable(object):
    A `Variable` represents a versioned secret stored in Conjur.

    Generally you will get an instance of this class by calling `conjur.API.create_variable`
    or `conjur.API.variable`.

    Instances of this class allow you to fetch values of the variable, and store new ones.


        >>> # Print the current value of the variable `mysql-password`
        >>> variable = api.variable('mysql-password')
        >>> print("mysql-password is {}".format(variable.value()))


        >>> # Print all versions of the same variable
        >>> variable = api.variable('mysql-password')
        >>> for i in range(1, variable.version_count + 1): # version numbers are 1 based
        ...     print("version {} of 'mysql-password' is {}".format(i, variable.value(i)))

    def __init__(self, api, id, attrs=None): = id
        self.api = api
        self._attrs = attrs

    def value(self, version=None):
        Retrieve the secret stored in a variable.

        `version` is a *one based* index of the version to be retrieved.

        If no such version exists, a 404 error is raised.

        Returns the value of the variable as a string.
        url = "%s/variables/%s/value" % (self.api.config.core_url,
        if version is not None:
            url = "%s?version=%s" % (url, version)
        return self.api.get(url).text

    def add_value(self, value):
        Stores a new version of the secret in this variable.

        `value` is a string giving the new value to store.

        This increments the variable's `version_count` member by one.
        self._attrs = None
        data = {'value': value}
        url = "%s/variables/%s/values" % (self.api.config.core_url,
                                          urlescape(, data=data)

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if self._attrs is None:
            return self._attrs[item]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(item)

    def _fetch(self):
        self._attrs = self.api.get(

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var api

var id


def __init__(

self, api, id, attrs=None)

def __init__(self, api, id, attrs=None): = id
    self.api = api
    self._attrs = attrs

def add_value(

self, value)

Stores a new version of the secret in this variable.

value is a string giving the new value to store.

This increments the variable's version_count member by one.

def add_value(self, value):
    Stores a new version of the secret in this variable.
    `value` is a string giving the new value to store.
    This increments the variable's `version_count` member by one.
    self._attrs = None
    data = {'value': value}
    url = "%s/variables/%s/values" % (self.api.config.core_url,
                                      urlescape(, data=data)

def value(

self, version=None)

Retrieve the secret stored in a variable.

version is a one based index of the version to be retrieved.

If no such version exists, a 404 error is raised.

Returns the value of the variable as a string.

def value(self, version=None):
    Retrieve the secret stored in a variable.
    `version` is a *one based* index of the version to be retrieved.
    If no such version exists, a 404 error is raised.
    Returns the value of the variable as a string.
    url = "%s/variables/%s/value" % (self.api.config.core_url,
    if version is not None:
        url = "%s?version=%s" % (url, version)
    return self.api.get(url).text